Support for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Support for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center provides trauma-informed crisis intervention, advocacy and counseling to survivors of sex and labor trafficking in our community.

Sex trafficking occurs when a person is made to perform a commercial sex act by force, fraud, or coercion, or when the person made to perform sex acts is under 18 years of age.

Someone who is sex trafficked may be:

  • Controlled by someone else
  • Sold to have sex by parents, husbands or boyfriends
  • Forced to have sex with people, work in strip clubs or escort services, or participate in pornographic movies against their will
  • Forced to prostitute and is not allowed to keep the money they earn
  • A minor and coerced into sex for survival (to get food or a place to stay)


24-Hour Hotline: 855-431-7827

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center offers a 24-hour hotline for survivors of sex trafficking and others in the community seeking information and help related to sex trafficking.

Human Trafficking Drop-In Center

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Human Trafficking Drop-in Center, located at 10450 Superior Ave. in Cleveland, provides convenient access to comprehensive services for survivors of human trafficking. Stop by or call 855-431-7827 to learn more.


Advocates meet survivors in a safe place (hospital, police station, shelter) to provide support after they are recovered from, or have left, a trafficking situation.


Cleveland Rape Crisis Center provides counseling to survivors who have been victims of sex trafficking at any point in their lives.

Support is Available In Person and Via Teleservices

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center services are available remotely via telehealth and teleservices, as well as in person by appointment. Call or text  (216) 619-6192 or (440) 423-2020, or chat online to make an appointment or learn more.  Or, request an appointment online. Learn more here.

Professional Training

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center offers expertise on preventing, identifying, responding to and supporting survivors of sex trafficking. Training is tailored to law enforcement, medical staff and mental health service providers. Request a professional training today.

Contact the 24-hour hotline

Call 855-431-STAR (7827), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn More

Fact Sheet: 10 Things to Know About Sex Trafficking
Video: What is Human Trafficking?


This page is dedicated to the memory of Billie Howland Steffee.   Her generous contributions helped establish Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s services for human trafficking survivors. Billie Howland Steffee’s deep and abiding commitment to serving survivors of human trafficking continues to inspire.