Free Ambassador Training Workshops

2-Part Ambassador Training Series 

Become an ambassador for social change!

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is pleased to offer a two-part Ambassador Training Workshop. This educational series is open to anyone who wants to learn more about how to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and get involved in creating social change. 

Deaf Community welcome! Ambassador Trainings will include live ASL interpretation upon request. Pre-registration required.


Ambassador Training Workshops 

Part 1 

Part 1 will focus on the prevalence of sexual violence, highlighting the myths and facts about rape and sexual violence and discussing the impact of rape culture in our society.

Part 2 

Part 2 will focus on effective bystander intervention techniques, supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse and how to advocate for social change.


Upcoming Training Dates

October (Virtual)

October (In-Person)

After attending both Part 1 and Part 2, participants will receive a certificate of completion. 

Questions? Please contact