
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

March 28 2019


Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a national campaign to raise public awareness, send a message of support to survivors, and promote the prevention of sexual violence.

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s 2019 Sexual Assault Awareness Month theme is “Your Voice Has Power. Tu Voz Tiene Poder.” We can all use our voices to support survivors, promote healing and prevention, and advocate for change.

Survivor, you voice has power. Loved ones, parents, students, bystanders, community leaders, your voices have power. You can use your voice to advocate for change!


Upcoming Events

For a list of events taking place in Northeast Ohio during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, visit our calendar of events.


Resources to Read and Share

April is a great opportunity to learn more about the prevalence and impact of sexual violence. Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s online resource library contains articles about preventing sexual violence and supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 


Sexual Assault Awareness Month Printables

Print and share the following resources with your friends, coworkers, and community groups.


Additional Support and Information

24/7 Crisis & Support Hotline

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Advocates are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to listen and help you. Call or text (216) 619-6192 or (440) 423-2020 or chat online.

Training and Presentations

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center offers educational programs to hundreds of schools, organizations and businesses throughout Northeast Ohio.  To learn more, or to schedule a program for your class or group, please request an education program online.