A Song for Survivors

June 11, 2020

Dear Friends,

I am writing today with a message of hope and healing for survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sex trafficking in our community.

Sing Out!, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s signature event, was initially scheduled for tonight. Though we cannot be together in person, I am humbled to share that leaders in our community have once again joined voices to bring harmony to those who have been hurt and voice to those who have been silenced.

Through this creative and moving virtual performance, the Sing Out! Chorale reminds survivors that Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is “on your side when times get rough.”

As our nation and community searches for a new normal – one that is free of racism and the threat of disease – this performance reminds me how powerful words and actions that promote justice, peace, hope and healing can be.

With gratitude,

Sondra Miller
President & CEO



If you enjoyed the show, please join this esteemed group of community leaders and make a donation today. Your support ensures survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sex trafficking can continue to access services when they need them the most.

Thank you to Musical Director Kathryn Harsha, Bonnie Eggers, Tony Cuda, Liz Huff, Ken Horner, The Honorable K.J. Montgomery, Joel Rathbone, Drew Schultz, Kayli Smoley, Sing Out! Chorale Members,  and 2020 Sing Out! Sponsors.