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Teaching parents how to spot signs of sexual abuse in kids (Cleveland 19 News)

August 10, 2018

Spotting the Signs of Sexual Abuse Cleveland 19 News

“As students head back to school, there is some important information parents need to know to make sure their children stay safe.”

“…Experts with the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center said parents need to trust their gut.

“‘If something feels wrong, it probably is wrong,’ Alexander Leslie, Senior Director of Educational Services for the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center said.

“According to Leslie, 80% of the general population knows the abuser for cases of sexual assault. With children, that number increases to 95%.

“‘When somebody is in a trusted relationship with a young person, they may be pushing those boundaries about what’s appropriate. Maybe getting the focus more on personal, rather than the professional reason they are working together,’ Leslie explained.

“According to Leslie, the age of social media and technology can make it more difficult for parents to track their kids behaviors. He said, forcing regulations and restrictions on your child can actually push them away.

“‘The single best thing parents can do is get curious about their young persons online life and ask them questions about how much their online life is like their regular life,’ Leslie said. “

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This article was originally posted by Cleveland 19 News at