Press releases

Survivors of rape and sexual abuse can now access comprehensive healing services at convenient new Shaker Square location

September 17, 2019

Survivors of rape and sexual abuse can now access counseling, support groups, assistance with reporting and criminal justice processes, as well as other healing services at Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s new Shaker Square Office. The new office location, at 13209 Shaker Square, Cleveland, OH 44120, is now open and serving survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sex trafficking.

“While Cleveland Rape Crisis Center has expended services regionally over the past few years, we know that there are many survivors in Cleveland who have yet to access healing services,” said Sondra Miller, President & CEO, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. “African-American women experience sexual violence at a higher rate than other groups, and more than 80% of residents near Shaker Square are African-American. By opening this office, we hope to provide a safe, accessible healing space for African-American survivors to access services.”

The new office location at Shaker Square will provide counseling, victim assistance services, case management, Project STAR (Sex Trafficking Advocacy and Recovery) services for survivors of sex trafficking, and community outreach – at no cost to clients.

The office is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Survivors and their loved ones can learn more, and make an appointment to access healing services at the Shaker Square Office by calling (216) 619-6192 or visiting

The Center signed a lease agreement in March with the Coral Group for the 4,890 square-foot space for 13209 Shaker Square in Cleveland, the space between CVS and the future Biggby Coffee in the northeast quadrant of the square.

The new office location is made possible thanks to funding through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program administered by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Crime Victim Services Division, that was announced last year.

“Getting a rapist or abuser off the street and behind bars is only the beginning of justice,” said Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. “Until the victim has become a survivor, until her voice has been heard and she has found a path to healing, justice has not yet been done. We value our partnership with the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center because they finish the job that the police and the courts begin – the doing of justice.”

With the opening of this new office, the Center now operates in 22 locations throughout Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga and Ashtabula Counties.


About Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

The mission of Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, promote healing and prevention, and advocate for social change.  In 2018, the Center provided counseling, advocacy and crisis intervention services to 10,000 rape and sexual abuse survivors and reached 54,000 people through its prevention, education and training programs in Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake counties.  For more information, visit or call 216-619-6194. The Center’s 24-hour Crisis & Support Hotline is 216-619-6192 (call/text) or