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Letter to the Editor: What can men learn from #MeToo? (

August 6, 2018

“A recent letter to the editor in The Plain Dealer asked the question: How can we help young boys and decent men who want to learn from the MeToo movement?

“Most men don’t commit acts of violence; yet many of us tolerate behaviors that are harmful against women, children and other men.

“Where to start? Here are three actions men can take to prevent sexual violence:

  • When someone shares that they have been sexually harassed or assaulted, start by believing them rather than making them prove that they were a victim.
  • When you see someone causing harm, demeaning someone, or telling a joke that harasses or makes light of violence, speak up.
  • Learn about and support the great work that is going on to build better and safer communities.

“Many local organizations are doing great work, including Healthy Fathering Collaborative, Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative, Passages Inc., and Cleveland Rape Crisis Center–all of whom are hosting an upcoming workshop for young men and their mentors on August 25 called Best Foot Forward.

“Our actions create community. Let’s each make a commitment to end sexual harassment and assault.”

Alexander Leslie, Senior Director of Educational Services

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center


This article was originally published by