
Take Action Today

November 8, 2019

Contact Elected Officials

Please contact your elected officials to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse in our community.

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is seeking funding to support its core services through the Cuyahoga County budget process.

As the only organization providing comprehensive healing services for survivors of rape and sexual abuse in our community, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s services are more in demand than ever before.

Please send an email to your Cuyahoga County Council member and Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish today, asking them to support Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.

Not sure who your Council member is?  Look it up here.

Feel free to use the contact information and sample messages, below.

Thank you for your support!


Cuyahoga County Council and County Executive Contact Information


Sample Messages

  • Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is important to Cuyahoga County residents. They provide critical services to victims during their time of greatest need. Please support their mission and work. 
  • Please help sustain the services of Cleveland Rape Crisis Center in Cuyahoga County. Far too many women, children and men in our community need their help.
  • Survivors of rape and sexual abuse need your help! Please support the mission and work of Cleveland Rape Crisis Center to ensure that survivors in Cuyahoga County can continue to access the healing services they need. 
  • Cleveland Rape Crisis Center helped me when I needed it the most. Please prioritize support for Cleveland Rape Crisis Center so that others may receive their services as well.  


Sample Social Media Posts

  • Please fund Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s critical services for survivors of rape and sexual abuse in our community. 
  • Far too many women, children and men in our community need help from Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.  Please help sustain their services in Cuyahoga County.
  • Please support the work of Cleveland Rape Crisis Center so that survivors of rape and sexual abuse in our community can access the healing services they need.