Crisis & Support Hotline
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s Crisis & Support Hotline provides 24/7, free and confidential support and information for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones, as well as others seeking information or resources.
Free Ambassador Training Workshops
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center is pleased to offer a two-part virtual Ambassador Training Workshop. This educational series is open to anyone who wants to learn more about how to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and get involved in creating social change.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center App
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s app is designed to help teens and adults navigate challenging conversations and situations and inspire societal change. No download is needed, and the app is accessible on mobile and desktop.
Donate Now
Your tax-deductible gift helps Cleveland Rape Crisis Center support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, promote prevention and advocate for social change. Thanks to your support, survivors in our community can access comprehensive healing services at no cost to them.